Kangaji's ESO Characters
Here are my primary RP characters for Elder Scrolls Online. These are the ones you'll see me playing the most. Feel free to request RP with any of these characters.
Here are my secondary RP characters for Elder Scrolls Online. These characters are used less often than my primary characters, but I still love playing them when I can. Feel free to request RP with any of these characters.
Here are my tertiary RP characters for Elder Scrolls Online. These characters are almost never used, but they might come into play on occasion. Feel free to request RP with any of these characters.
QUICK DESCRIPTION: A polite Maormer mage who left the Sea Vipers and now captains a trading vessel.
NAME: KahramiSPECIES: MaormerAGE: 30GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Ship Captain, Tradesman, Weather MageAFFILIATION: Silver Lining Traders, Psijic Order, Mages Guild, Sea Vipers (ex-member)RESIDENCE: Khenarthi's Roost, Silver IslesCOMPANY: Droplet the Sep Adder, El'azar the Senche-Raht KhajiitSKILLS: Weather Magic, Healing Spells, Poisons, Sea Navigation, Limited Transformation, FishingWEAKNESSES: Fear of Sea Vipers, Dependence on Magic, Limited Melee Combat Abilities, Poor Navigation on Land, Unfamiliarity With Tamriel, Social DeferenceFAITH: Tosan (see the "Tonghay" section for more info!)PERSONALITY: Cordial, Reticent, Compassionate, Intensely CuriousALIGNMENT: Lawful Good (usually, occasionally Chaotic Good)LIKES: Peace, Knowledge, Fishing, Thunderstorms, SerpentsDISLIKES: Persecution, Hypocrisy, Willful Ignorance, Sea Vipers, Mild FlavorsMOTIVATION: He wishes to make up for his past wrongdoings and assist others in need of a new beginning.
APPEARANCE: Kahrami is from an ethnically distinct group of Maormer, which is why he has more animalistic features. These include finned ears, sharp teeth, a slightly forked tongue, and iridescent scaled skin. Although his scales offer durability and protection, his body has a soft, almost squishy quality. He has ivory hair, blue lips, and pale white eyes. His body is lined with tattoos of snakes, which glow when he casts spells. Kahrami boasts enchanted Pyandonean armor and a mystically attuned staff, which allow him to engage with weather magic on an even more powerful level.VOICE: Male Dark Elf Voice E
PRESENT DAY: Kahrami spends most of his time sailing on the Silver Lining Traders ships across their nautical trade route. He has mixed feelings about his role as Captain but does his best to live up to the responsibility. When he isn't working, he enjoys fishing, visiting taverns, and studying magic. He also often scouts for new recruits that may want to join his trading vessel crew.He typically travels with his darling sep adder, Droplet, who is very dear to his heart. His best friend, a Senche-Raht Khajiit named El'azar, is often close by as well.His official home is in Khenarthi's Roost, but he more frequently finds himself sleeping at his guild's private base in the Silver Isles, which has become rich with Maormer influenced themes thanks to his prevalence.
HISTORY: Kahr grew up in a small farming and fishing village, raised primarily by his mother, a local shaman. His father was a renowned storm mage who spent most of his time sailing with his Sea Viper crew. Kahr was especially compassionate compared to his peers, always more of a gentle scholar than a warrior. Still, upon reaching adulthood, he followed in his father's footsteps and became a storm mage for a Sea Viper crew as well.He worked with them for years, becoming a valued member of their team, and wrought much destruction at his Captain's orders. He kept quiet about his disagreements with the crew's ethics until their goals became too dangerous to comply with. Making an impossible decision, he stole the devastatingly powerful artifact his crew had acquired, and instead gave it to the Psijic Order. As a result, he was exiled from Maormer society, earning himself the title of traitor.He spent much time afterwards as a humble fisherman based in Khenarthi's Roost, accompanied by his trusty sep adder Droplet. While he kept a low profile, all he truly wanted was to find a way to make up for his past wrongdoings.Eventually, he met El'azar. They became good friends, and with the help of some others, founded the Silver Lining Traders - a company intended to create opportunities for those who were down on their luck and needed a new community. They made their base on a small cluster of uninhabited islands, which they dubbed the Silver Isles.
TONGHAY: Kahrami originates from a large mountainous island on the Eastern coast of the Pyandonean continent called Tonghay. The Sea Elves of that region are discernable by their unique characteristics, such as finned ears, sharp teeth, scaled skin, and forked tongues. They are culturally distinct for their spicy food (which utilizes flora specific to that particular island), their practice of ancient shapeshifting magic, and their skills with both inflicting and neutralizing poisons.They also follow a faith exclusive to their island, worshipping a snake deity referred to as Tosan. There are sacrifices offered to her year-round. Maormer from Tonghay believe that Tosan controls the weather at sea, not only protecting their island from the intense ocean storms but empowering them with her gifts when they were to set sail. It is said that she resurrects her most faithful fallen sailors in the form of a sea serpent.Half of Tonghay can only be accessed from underwater, which is why shapeshifting into a more aquatic form is a common practice among its citizens. They frequently morph into a shape that could best be described as a mermaid. The Tonghay Sea Elves are very secretive about the magic that they use to achieve this feat. They share very little about their magic overall, generally preferring to keep to themselves. Few Maormer from Tonghay end up traveling all the way to Tamriel.
- He loves learning about unfamiliar magic.
- Sea Vipers often refer to him as "Kahrami the traitor", and are encouraged to capture or kill him on sight.
- Despite his impressive agility, balance, and stamina... He's a terrible dancer.NAME ORIGIN: Korean; from "가람이", meaning "river"
QUICK DESCRIPTION: A friendly nomadic Khajiit merchant and professional animal rescuer.
NAME: Amur'chantSPECIES: KhajiitAGE: 35GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Tradesman, Animal Caretaker, VeterinarianAFFILIATION: Silver Lining Traders, BaandariRESIDENCE: Northern ElsweyrCOMPANY: Dancer the Deer, Bristles the Bear, Flair the Flint-Pelt FoxSKILLS: Alchemy, Healing Magic, Animal Communication, MarksmanshipWEAKNESSES: Poor Melee Combat Abilities, No Defensive Armor, Sensitivity to Mistreatment of Animals, GullibilityFAITH: Riddle-t’harPERSONALITY: Helpful, Generous, Enthusiastic, Lighthearted, GentleALIGNMENT: Chaotic GoodLIKES: Ethology, Community, Travel, Craftsmanship, SweetsDISLIKES: Animal Cruelty, Swindlers, Misinformation, Pettiness, Meat DishesMOTIVATION: He hopes to help every animal in need that he comes across, and to make as many friends as he can on the way!
APPEARANCE: Amur has cream and auburn fur with dark rosette patterns covering his body. His hair is deep navy blue, with tiny braids mixed into his curled locks. Dark black markings swirl on his cheeks beneath his warm, golden eyes. He has a crescent shaped nose piercing, and wears moon insignias around his neck, wrists, and waist. His clothing is made from high quality silken fabric, which he is always ready to recommend from his own selection of wares.VOICE: Male Khajiit Voice C
PRESENT DAY: The ever-friendly wandering pedlar, Amur'chant, takes his services all across Tamriel. His days are spent traveling, trading, and advocating for animals. But he always spares time for social fun, aiming to make new connections wherever he goes.While he makes his living as a merchant, Amur also offers his veterinarian skills to those in need. He loses money on the practice, but it is worth it to him to be of help to others.In his journeys, he occasionally adopts disabled or elderly creatures, and relocates them to his sanctuary in Northern Elsweyr. The picture of peace, his sanctuary is spacious enough that many different animals can exist together in harmony. Although that is his base, it is manned by hired caretakers in his absence, as he spends much of his time on the road.
HISTORY: Amur'chant has had an affinity for animals for as long as he can remember, and believes his main purpose in life is to make a difference in theirs. This is how he ultimately got into trading, as he needed a way to support his studies and ever-growing pack of mismatched critters.His first animal was Flair, a Flint-Pelt Fox, who he found alone and near death as a pup. Flair has remained by Amur's side ever since he nursed the fox back to health. There were several animals he rescued in the years to follow, including Bristles, who was missing several teeth after a run-in with a hunter. The bear had won, but at a cost, and could now no longer hunt properly. Amur fed him, and they developed a bond. Most recently, his entourage has grown to include Dancer, a deaf fawn he discovered on one of his trade routes. While most of his animal friends remain at his sanctuary, these three follow him wherever he goes.
- Although he feeds his carnivorous and omnivorous animals meat, he is a vegetarian.NAME ORIGIN: Pun using the terms "Amur leopard" and "merchant"
QUICK DESCRIPTION: A reserved lycanthropic Wood Orc that is a professional in weapon crafting and arboriculture.
NAME: SolgunSPECIES: Wood Orc (Werewolf)AGE: 30GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Weaponsmith, Arborist, TradesmanAFFILIATION: Silver Lining Traders, Drublog Clan (ex-member)RESIDENCE: Malabal TorCOMPANY: Deathbreath the Inkfur Ursauk, Maskrump the Druadach Mountain Bear, Troublemaker the Welwa PupSKILLS: Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Woodworking, Arboriculture, Swordsmanship, Hunting, Heightened SensesWEAKNESSES: Lack of Control Over Lycanthropy, Limited Defensive Armor, Limited Ranged Combat Abilities, Limited Magical Abilities, Strict Sense of Honor, Perfectionism, Avoidant TendenciesFAITH: Mauloch (resents Hircine, respects Z'en)PERSONALITY: Gruff, Loyal, Principled, Courageous, SincereALIGNMENT: Neutral GoodLIKES: Honor, Laughter, Hard Work, Sparring, Strong AnimalsDISLIKES: Cowardice, Deception, Unnecessary Cruelty, Theft, Daedric MagicMOTIVATION: He longs to gain control over his werewolf form, and to find a community that accepts him despite his curse.
APPEARANCE: Solgun is of typical stature for a Wood Orc, but he is lean by the standards of other Orcs. He sports long black hair worn in a ponytail, and an antler adorned headband which hides small horns beneath. His nose, bottom lip, and right ear have piercings. His face and body brandish blood red tattoos originally given to him during his Drublog days, matching his deep crimson eyes. He wears tough yet soft leather armor that allows for agility and swiftness. Solgun is never found without a finely crafted sword or two, which are always self-made. He has a prominent bite scar on the back of his right thigh. As a werewolf, he has charcoal and pale gray fur, with golden eyes. His physique is notably larger and more muscular than his Orc form.VOICE: Male Orc Voice F (deeper and more guttural in werewolf form)
PRESENT DAY: Solgun spends his days traveling with the Silver Lining Traders, crafting high quality weapons to sell, and taking on arborist jobs in various locations where tree maintenance is necessary. His evenings are filled with social drinking and secretly hunting by moonlight in lycan form.He has three animal allies who often accompany him on his journeys. Deathbreath and Maskrump, his two bears, and Troublemaker, his juvenile welwa.Although he explores frequently, and is no longer welcome among the Drublog Clan, his home is still Malabal Tor. He lives in a small house that is hidden in thickly overgrown foliage. The level of tree density around his house is surprising for an arborist, but it is fully intentional, as he values his privacy and does not appreciate unwanted visitors.
HISTORY: Solgun was born into the Drublog Clan of Malabal Tor. As a trans man, his strength was naturally underestimated; but he proved himself time and time again as a formidable warrior and an asset to the tribes, thanks to his enviable weaponsmith skills. With the help of a shaman, he transitioned to the man he is today. In his early adult years, he inherited a bear cub from one of the tribe elders, entrusted with the young ursauk as a powerful ally. He named her Deathbreath.At some point, he came across a Bosmer skulking through the forest and confronted him, under the impression that he was sneaking towards the nearby Orc community. The Wood Elf turned out to be a member of the Houndsmen, and put up a surprisingly impressive fight, resulting in a mutual respect between the two men. They became regular sparring partners - and more - but one day, the Bosmer's feral instincts overtook him and he ended up biting Solgun, turning the Wood Orc into a werewolf. Solgun claims he killed the Wood Elf for this transgression, but that is one of his rare lies. Having been tethered to Hircine, Solgun was banished from his tribe, leaving him lost.It was at Velyn Harbor that he met Kahrami, a Maormer who too had been exiled from his people. The peculiar Sea Elf invited him to join his crew of misfits, the Silver Lining Traders, who travel across Tamriel for their work. This introduced him to a new purpose: adventuring in unfamiliar lands and sharing the weapons he constructed. It was through the Silver Lining that he found his welwa, Troublemaker, and his mountain bear, Maskrump.
LYCANTHROPY: When it comes to his lycanthropy, Solgun is somewhat ashamed. He views the very presence of the curse as a sign of weakness, evidence that he could not defend himself well enough in a moment of danger. He isn't forthcoming about it primarily for that reason. However, if someone discovers the truth and challenges him for being a lycan, he is ready for a fight. Additionally, he will assist other werewolves if he witnesses them being harassed for their curse. On the flip side, however, if he discovers that the werewolf is being accosted for forcibly turning another individual, he will turn and deal with the fellow lycan himself.Although his instincts tell him to find a pack, by default, he keeps his distance from other werewolves unless he is suspicious of them. His reasoning for remaining a lone wolf is that he does not wish to embrace his lycanthropy, seeing it as an act of disrespect towards Mauloch. Although he knows he is bound to the Hunting Grounds after death, he clings to a small hope that he might still be able to go to the Ashen Forge.When in werewolf form, he is much more unhinged, but still has enough agency to not automatically act on his violent impulses. Even so, much of his overall behavior stems from his fear of unintentionally harming others if his control momentarily snaps. Solgun doesn't believe in killing anyone who can't put up a good fight (or doesn't deserve it), nor does he wish to subject someone else to this fate. As a result, he can be very evasive, especially as a lycan.
- He can't resist admiring a good forge.
- Although he loves animals, he doesn't trust himself around most prey animals or canines.
- He can create armor, but is most prolific in crafting weapons.NAME ORIGIN: Sino-Korean; from "솔건", meaning "build"
QUICK DESCRIPTION: A studious Dremora novelist and inventor who is trapped in the form of an Argonian.
NAME: Leviatili (aka Levi)SPECIES: DremoraAGE: Unknown (Approximately Equivalent to Mid-30s)GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Gender Affirming Prosthetist, Toy Inventor, Author, Independent ContractorAFFILIATION: Silver Lining TradersRESIDENCE: Realm of RevelryCOMPANY: Bicker the Gloam Gryphon Fledgling, and Squabble the Aurielic QuasigriffSKILLS: Augmentation Crafting, Enchantments, Writing, Healing MagicWEAKNESSES: Inability to Shapeshift, Limited Magical Combat Abilities, Servitude to Sanguine, Defensiveness of MortalsFAITH: Bound to SanguinePERSONALITY: Passionate, Curious, Observant, Secretive, ProtectiveALIGNMENT: True NeutralLIKES: Mortals, Entertainment, Catharsis, Literature, CreativityDISLIKES: Tedium, Willful Ignorance, Dissatisfaction, Curses, FatalitiesMOTIVATION: He wishes to accurately depict mortals in his writing, and to one day not only regain his lost powers, but to also be free from Sanguine's court.
APPEARANCE: Standing taller than the average Argonian, Levi is built with broad shoulders and a chiseled muscular physique. The first thing people tend to notice about him would be the glowing markings lining his body, emanating a honey gold from his eyes to his claws. Among the spikes on his head are a large pair of curved horns, alight with magic much like the rest of his body. Upon closer inspection, one might also take note of the dangling chain piercing on his cheekbone. He wears simplistic armor, with subtle Dremora themes hinting at his hidden Kynaz nature, and another set of chains hanging from his arms to indicate his mandatory devotion to Sanguine.VOICE: Male Argonian Voice C (but slightly more baritone)
PRESENT DAY: Levi can typically be found entertaining Sanguine’s party guests in one of his many realms. When he is free, he works on unique trinkets or prosthetics for transgender individuals. He seems to have a soft spot for those who are unable to shapeshift, as this ability was taken from him. He is also a prolific writer who specializes in erotic subject matter, and tends to spend a good deal of time studying mortals so that he can write them accurately.
When traveling, he is often accompanied by Bicker, a juvenile gloam gryphon, and Squabble, an aurelic quasigriff.His workshop exists within a Realm of Revelry, where he is capable of creating rare, magical objects. He often invites mortals to examine his designs.
HISTORY: Originally, Leviatili was a Dremora made to serve as entertainment at Sanguine’s parties. While one of his personal dreams was to be an author, he spent most of his life pleasing revelers. He would often shapeshift into different forms for their amusement, which was something he genuinely enjoyed. During this time he also developed a complex fascination with mortals.Eventually Levi managed to gain limited traveling privileges, thus allowing him to briefly leave the endless parties as long as he would always return in time for his duties. During this free time, he would make trips to Nirn to study its residents as subjects for his writing. It was due to his affinity for transformation and adoration for mortals that caused a malicious yet powerful individual to curse him so that he was forever trapped in the body of an Argonian.The curse cannot be lifted without extremely advanced magic beyond even the capabilities of his most mystically proficient friends, and Sanguine himself is too wrapped up in his hedonism to care much about one little servant. Thus, Leviatili is stuck. Over time, he has adjusted to this change and has accepted that he cannot escape his own shape. Even so, to make up for the ability he now lacks, he works hard at crafting items to augment his form.
- He is a bit of a sadomasochist.
- Although he serves Sanguine by default, he has mixed feelings about the Prince.
- He refuses to battle mortals, and can in fact become quite defensive of them. Despite what it may seem, this isn't due to virtue, but rather, obsession.NAME ORIGIN: Hebrew; a mix between the mythological serpents "לִוְיָתָן", aka “Leviathan”, and "תְּלִי" aka “Theli” (which is pronounced like “Tili”)
QUICK DESCRIPTION: A well-spoken ex-thief Bosmer who now works as a private investigator and guild sponsor.
NAME: ErezSPECIES: Wood ElfAGE: 35GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Detective, Knowledge Mage, Guild SponsorAFFILIATION: Silver Lining Traders, Mages GuildRESIDENCE: Currently UnknownCOMPANY: Klepto the Sugarsnow Monkey and Lootsy the White LionSKILLS: Mystic Investigation, Adept Arcane Spellcasting Skills, Average Melee Combat Skills, Average Ranged Combat Skills, LockpickingWEAKNESSES: Curiosity, Poor Social Skills, Short Attention Span, Delicate Physique, Previous ReputationFAITH: Former Worshipper of Hermaeus MoraPERSONALITY: Inquisitive, Determined, Neurotic, Fanciful, EloquentALIGNMENT: Chaotic GoodLIKES: Mystery, Fellowship, Magical Experiments, Books, AntiquitiesDISLIKES: Magical Inhibitors, Vegetarian Dishes, Cultists, Sheogorath, Reminders of his Sordid PastMOTIVATION: He wishes to uncover hidden knowledge and to rebrand himself as a heroic detective, as opposed to a dastardly thief.
APPEARANCE: With a visage clearly marked by intense magical usage, Erez stands out for his glowing yellow eyes, gold and amethyst tattoos, and the intricate metal lace mask that lines the right half of his face. His irises spark with light when he casts spells or when his interest is piqued. Erez is a petite man; short even for a Bosmer, with a thin yet toned frame. He wears his dark hair at chin-length, often tucked behind one ear so that he can see properly. His outfit comprised of thick, expensive fabric with ornate gold laden throughout.VOICE: Male Wood Elf Voice C
PRESENT DAY: At this point in his life, Erez focuses on supporting others with the massive amount of gold he has accrued through his previous escapades. When he craves adventure, he searches for mysteries to solve - free of charge! He also enjoys meeting new people and getting to know what makes them unique.During his travels, he is accompanied by his trusty friends, Klepto the monkey and Lootsy the lion.No one has seen his current home, but he claims to live in a hilltop manor nestled in the forests of Greenshade.
HISTORY: Erez's formative experiences were that of poverty and an undying desire to find a better life. His lack of financial stability led him to becoming a proficient thief; however, larceny was a crime he despised committing, as it always left him feeling disgusted with himself. It was not what he wanted from his life. For as long as he could remember, Erez was always fascinated by arcane magic and esoteric knowledge. He longed to become a wise mage, and to never have to resort to theft again.It didn't take long for him to find himself intertwined with the grandeur of Hermaeus Mora. Like many seekers of knowledge who fell prey to Mora's temptation, he ultimately made sacrifices that he could never revoke. Pieces of not only his sanity but his very soul were forever ripped from him, in exchange for access to a unique type of passive or direct spellcasting - something he refers to as "mystic investigation". This allows him to see information about the world around him, such as past occurrences, spiritual presences, and any magic that might be tied to an object or area.Upon achieving this, he was able to confidently switch careers. He impressed noble folk with his magical detective prowess, and over time, began to rack up mountains of gold. Soon, he had no idea what to do with his wealth. He now uses his funds to assist others, and offers his investigative skills to others for no price.
- He does not strictly follow the Green Pact.
- His investigative magic has significant limitations when it comes to examining other people, as opposed to examining items or places.NAME ORIGIN: Hebrew; from "אֶרֶז", meaning “cedar”
QUICK DESCRIPTION: A brawny yet kindhearted Iron Orc who works as a messenger, artist, and mapmaker.
NAME: KubsaSPECIES: Iron OrcAGE: 35GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Courier, Illustrator, Cartographer, Treasure HunterAFFILIATION: Mages GuildRESIDENCE: BangkoraiCOMPANY: Crimson and Clover the Echalettes, Wilma the Welwa, and Ollie the Orcrest JerboaSKILLS: Adept Arcane Spellcasting Skills, Navigation, ArtistryWEAKNESSES: Pacifism, Poor Coordination, Poor Melee Combat AbilitiesFAITH: Mauloch (former worshipper of Hermaeus Mora)PERSONALITY: Welcoming, Dependable, Earnest, Considerate, DiligentALIGNMENT: Neutral GoodLIKES: Paintings, Hidden Troves, Personal Letters, Bold Colors, Giving GiftsDISLIKES: Fights, Small Spaces, Nihilism, Cheese, Disappointing OthersMOTIVATION: He wishes to help facilitate the bonds of others by acting as their messenger, and to share treasure with any friends he finds on the way.
APPEARANCE: Standing at a height that towers above most, Kubsa displays a powerful muscular physique with broad shoulders and thick chiseled arms and legs. Hiding behind his signature owl mask is a pleasant smile, thick ebony and red hair, and glowing crimson eyes to match. He has mystic tattoos lining his body that depict large, watching eyes. He prioritizes comfort with minimal pink and black armor that is enchanted to offer him a layer of magical shielding.VOICE: Male Orc Voice C
PRESENT DAY: Most of Kubsa's time is spent on the road delivering letters for various organizations and individuals, illustrating the beautiful scenery or wildlife around him, and using maps to unearth hidden treasure throughout Tamriel. He also spares plenty of time to visit taverns, care for his animals, and admire artwork wherever he comes across it.He is frequently accompanied by his welwa mount, Wilma, and one or both of his echalettes, Crimson and Clover. He also has a jerboa named Ollie, who he keeps at home.His house is located in Northern Bangkorai, where he rooms with his friend - another Orc named Yongam.
HISTORY: Kubsa originates from Craglorn, having been born into an Iron Orc community, which he claims to have been separated from at a young age during one of his first battles. The truth is that he willingly ran away in pursuit of a career in exploration and magic. He did, however, keep his pet Welwa, Wilma, who grew up to be powerful and loyal.As an independent adolescent, he had many adventures that ultimately led him to study the magic of Hermaeus Mora. The aspect of forbidden knowledge deeply intrigued him. For a time, he fell deeper and deeper into the allure of Mora's mysteries. Eventually, it overtook his life so much that he nearly died in his devotion to uncovering the esoteric. His near death experience put things into perspective, and he decided to shift into a different job.From then on, he began to work as a courier for various organizations. In his travels he also took time to work on illustrations, primarily as a hobby, but occasionally on commission. Additionally, he started acting as a freelance cartographer, using his skills to find or hide treasure troves. He has adopted two baby echalettes and an Orcrest jerboa. Kubsa lives in Northern Bangkorai with an Orc from Wrothgar, his longtime friend Yongam.
- He is self-conscious regarding his glowing eyes.NAME ORIGIN: Korean; from "급사", meaning "instant death" and "messenger"
QUICK DESCRIPTION: A dense yet durable Daedric assistant that can be called upon as an ally.
NAME: AraqibaSPECIES: Daedra (Half Havocrel, Half Scamp)AGE: Unknown (Approximately Equivalent to Early-30s)GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Summonable AssistantAFFILIATION: None YetRESIDENCE: Currently UnknownCOMPANY: Scooch the Scamp and Lilith the Battlefield Nightmare SencheSKILLS: Geomancy, ShapeshiftingWEAKNESSES: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Inattentive Type), Poor Combat AbilitiesFAITH: Himself!PERSONALITY: Nonsensical, Foolish, Cocky, Rambunctious, ComedicALIGNMENT: Chaotic NeutralLIKES: Rocks, Free Stuff, Competitions, Mountain Climbing, SpelunkingDISLIKES: Dying (happens to him a lot), Mockery, Small Talk, Puzzles, His JobMOTIVATION: He wants to be free from his pact to do whatever dumb thing pops into his mind at any given moment.
APPEARANCE: While his appearance looks remarkably similar to a Havocrel, Araqiba has merely two arms and is far too short to resemble the enormous Daedra. With a slender yet curved physique, he has little muscle to boast about, in spite of his claims. His hair is charcoal black, contrasting with his ivory horns. He has glowing golden eyes and markings that line his body, which is almost always covered in a mixture of dirt and soot. Occasionally, he shapeshifts to add a pair of intimidating wings and a long tail to his arsenal.VOICE: Female Wood Elf Voice C (but deeper and more masculine)
PRESENT DAY: To his disdain, most of Araqiba's time is taken up by fulfilling his work as a summonable assistant for mages throughout Nirn. Though he loathes following their commands, he can only be freed from an individual job if the mage dismisses him or if he dies. During his free time, he explores, treating each stranger with the familiarity of a casual acquaintance that owes him money.He is sometimes accompanied by a scamp he refers to as his brother, who has been given the alias Scooch. On occasion he also summons a nightmare senche mount called Lilith.Araqiba lives in a pocket dimension that he refers to as his "hole". For reasons untold, his method of traveling there and back is to create a portal at the bottom of any random well throughout Tamriel.
HISTORY: It is unknown precisely how Araqiba came to be, since he has no memory of his early years. As the idea of a Havocrel reproducing with a Scamp is difficult for many to envision going well, some who've met him have theorized that he is actually the result of a magical experiment to transform a Scamp into a Havocrel. Others believe that perhaps he was originally a Havocrel that was cursed into having the stature, power, and intellect of a Scamp.Araqiba himself wouldn't know, being that his first memory is of having been tricked by an intelligent, mysterious Dremora into signing the pact that would ultimately curse him into a life of service to mortals. This resulted in him being at the beck and call of any mage that comes across his summoning ritual, much like many other Scamps. With natural geomancy capabilities and no past to ponder, Araqiba has spent most of his life fulfilling the orders of Nirn's mystics.
- He is notorious for doing things such as: eating inanimate objects, burrowing through walls because he didn't notice there was a door, and dying to fall damage just to get out of talking to an annoying person.
- Although he wields a scythe, he is not particularly good with it.NAME ORIGIN: Akkadian; alternate name for the mythological Grigori “Arakiel”
QUICK DESCRIPTION: An untrustworthy Khajiit villain who will do just about anything for the right price.
NAME: SheqerSPECIES: KhajiitAGE: 30GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Larcenist, Mercenary, AssassinAFFILIATION: Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood (ex-member)RESIDENCE: VagrantCOMPANY: Crescent the Snowy Sabre Cat Cub, Aura the Auric Sabre Cat DuskstalkerSKILLS: Espionage, Lockpicking, Adept Acrobatic Abilities, Adept Melee Combat AbilitiesWEAKNESSES: Reputation, Delicate Physique, Poor Ranged Combat Abilities, Weak Defensive ArmorFAITH: RajhinPERSONALITY: Deceitful, Callous, Destructive, Sardonic, VolatileALIGNMENT: Chaotic EvilLIKES: Gold, Valuable Items, Debauchery, Havoc, Worthy AdversariesDISLIKES: Parsimony, Beggars, Politics, Authority Figures, Poor QualityMOTIVATION: He wishes to earn as much money as he can while avoiding the consequences of his actions.
APPEARANCE: With an unimposing height and wiry musculature, Sheqer's figure does not strike many as intimidating. He has calico patterns on his otherwise white fur, and dark gothic markings around his eyes that match his wild jet-black hair and ear tufts. One of his most distinguishing features are his saber cat teeth, which appear almost vampiric (although he lacks the curse). He wears dark clothing to aid his subterfuge; although it is not durable, it allows for great flexibility. He retains the mark of the Dark Brotherhood on his chest, perhaps ironically. When unmasked, he brandishes a sharp golden crown, no doubt stolen during his exploits.VOICE: Male Khajiit Voice E
PRESENT DAY: Most of Sheqer's time is spent fulfilling mercenary jobs as a career criminal, confronting enemies who have tracked him down, and keeping his distance from the Dark Brotherhood. He is a former member who is being hunted by them for betraying the guild, but he still has connections in the assassin industry. As evidence of his hubris, he demonstrates very little caution at times by showing himself in public settings, almost as if he's inviting danger.Sheqer has few close allies, but he is accompanied by two Saber Cats; Aura, his mount, and Crescent, her adoptive cub.Being a nomad, Sheqer has no official home, but he has various hiding spots throughout Tamriel.
HISTORY: There is not much Sheqer is willing to divulge about his past. He admits to not having grown up in Elsweyr, but refuses to elaborate on where he was raised. However, it is no secret that he spent his early adult life making a name for himself in the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. Throughout this time he committed countless crimes, all within the realm of theft and murder, and made many enemies who still hunt him to this day.Despite his allegiance to the Dark Brotherhood, he never cared much for their politics, becoming known as a fringe assassin who only got involved in jobs for his own benefit. This was fine with the Brotherhood until another organization offered to pay Sheqer to betray them by killing one of his fellow Brothers. He obliged in exchange for a hefty fee, but as a result of his treachery, became enemies with his own guild. As if amused by the inherent danger that follows him, he's never seemed terribly concerned with his own safety.
- He is a self-destructive pathological liar.
- Unlike many Khajiit, he does not use third person speech.
- He might have a money fetish.NAME ORIGIN: Hebrew; from "שֶׁקֶר", meaning "deceit" or "lie"
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QUICK DESCRIPTION: An empathetic bard who works as a canine trainer that specializes in service dogs.
NAME: KaehoonSPECIES: Human (Imperial with Akaviri ancestry)AGE: 30GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Service Dog Trainer, Animal Behavioral Consultant, BardAFFILIATION: None YetRESIDENCE: Currently UnknownCOMPANY:SKILLS: Musical Magic, Zoology, Animal Communication, HuntingWEAKNESSES: _, _, _, _FAITH:PERSONALITY: Patient, Positive, Gentle, Observant, CompassionateALIGNMENT: Neutral GoodLIKES: _, _, _, _, _DISLIKES: _, _, _, _, _MOTIVATION:
APPEARANCE: WIP.VOICE: Male Imperial Voice D
-NAME ORIGIN: Korean; from "개훈", meaning "dog teacher"
QUICK DESCRIPTION: An empathetic dog trainer that specializes in service work.
NAME: KaehoonSPECIES: Human (Imperial with Akaviri ancestry)AGE: 30GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Service Dog Trainer, Animal Behavioral ConsultantAFFILIATION: None YetRESIDENCE: Currently UnknownCOMPANY:SKILLS: Zoology, Animal Communication, HuntingWEAKNESSES: _, _, _FAITH:PERSONALITY: Patient, Positive, Gentle, Observant, CompassionateALIGNMENT: Neutral GoodLIKES: _, _, _, _, _DISLIKES: _, _, _, _, _MOTIVATION:
-NAME ORIGIN: Korean; from "개훈", meaning "dog teacher"